  • Certified Trainers

    As certified QlikView consultants, we can deliver QlikView's training material to your organization.

  • Training Materials.

    We offer our own training materials as an alternative to QlikView's. We offer subject specific training and cover advanced topics not found elsewhere. Our training includes real world best practices, tips & tricks, and QlikView tools to help you with development and administration of your QlikView environment.

  • Customized Training

    We can customize training to meet your organization's needs. We work with your schedule, your budget, your agenda, and can integrate your organization's data and business processes into the training.

Mnemosyne offers
a wide range
of training options

QlikView training is one of our specialities. We offer a full suite of training options from standard QlikView training material to customized training that is tailored to your organization's needs.

-Certified Trainers
-Alternative Training Materials
-Customized Training

Please contact us to find out more information about our training and how we can make it work best for your organization.